Dear Assemblyman Silver or Glick /Senator Squadron,
I am a parent in a thriving public school, PS 397 and I am writing to let you know that I am opposed to Governor Cuomo’s proposed education budget. There are several troubling issues lumped into this one legislative bill, but I am most concerned about the push to increase standardized test scores to account for 50% of a teacher's evaluation. Student’s test scores are affected by multiple factors and some of these such as home environment is beyond the teachers’ control. This emphasis on test scores will then lead to more test prep in the classroom. Many schools are not zoned so this emphasis on test scores will lead to schools selecting students based solely on test scores at the elementary and middle school level. Teachers will not want to work with students in communities with limited resources, new immigrants, and special needs since these student may not score as well as students in other communities. I am also opposed to evaluators from outside the school contributing 35% to the teacher evaluation. The Governor's proposal to hire outside evaluators will require more money shifted from our children's education for a service we don't need and will be at best of questionable value.
Please vote no on the proposed education budget.
PTA Parent
M397 Spruce Street School, NYC
I am a parent in a thriving public school, PS 397 and I am writing to let you know that I am opposed to Governor Cuomo’s proposed education budget. There are several troubling issues lumped into this one legislative bill, but I am most concerned about the push to increase standardized test scores to account for 50% of a teacher's evaluation. Student’s test scores are affected by multiple factors and some of these such as home environment is beyond the teachers’ control. This emphasis on test scores will then lead to more test prep in the classroom. Many schools are not zoned so this emphasis on test scores will lead to schools selecting students based solely on test scores at the elementary and middle school level. Teachers will not want to work with students in communities with limited resources, new immigrants, and special needs since these student may not score as well as students in other communities. I am also opposed to evaluators from outside the school contributing 35% to the teacher evaluation. The Governor's proposal to hire outside evaluators will require more money shifted from our children's education for a service we don't need and will be at best of questionable value.
Please vote no on the proposed education budget.
PTA Parent
M397 Spruce Street School, NYC