The SLT of The Spruce Street School, P.S. 397, exists to ensure that all constituents have an advocate working in a thoughtful collaborative manner to help determine the key aspects of our school’s educational framework, resource allocation and administration.
Our SLT attempts to create a transparent structure for school-based decision making and to shape the path to a collaborative school culture. The SLT is made up of 10-17 person team, consisting of an equal number of parents and staff members. We are a vehicle for implementing school specific educational policies and ensuring that resources are aligned to implement those policies. Functioning in a collaborative manner, the SLT assists in the evaluation and assessment of a school’s educational programs and their affect on student achievement.
Meetings are held monthly during the school year and while members are expected to actively participate and represent their constituencies, all parents and teachers are invited to observe meetings and have the ability to request speaking time to address important issues. Meetings are posted on the school website and details about current members, procedures and roles can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions below.
All parents and teacher are welcome to observe SLT meetings, which are held in the school library.
To sign up to speak at the SLT meeting or to have your questions read in the meeting please email us up to 7 days prior to the meeting.
To sign up to speak at the SLT meeting or to have your questions read in the meeting please email us up to 7 days prior to the meeting.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONFor your reference, copies of the Spruce Street School CEP for the last two school years can be accessed here: |
SLT FAQsWhat is the SLT (School Leadership Team)?
It is a committee of an equal number of parents and teachers/administrators including the school principal that work collaboratively to establish school-wide goals in areas including student achievement and help define the framework for executing, funding and monitoring of those goals. The SLT, using a consensus-based approach, is a decision making body (not just advisory) working in collaboration with the principal and school administration. What tools does the SLT use? The SLT primarily uses collaborative, bilateral communication with teachers, parents and administrators. A result is a detailed set of achievable, measurable goals outlined in a DOE required document called the Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP). Creating the CEP along with ensuring the school budget is aligned with those goals are core responsibilities of the SLT. The CEP historically has included specific goals around student achievement, teacher resources support and school wide communication just to name a few. The SLT members are strongly encouraged to solicit input from various sources, including other parents, teachers and school staff in order to ensure that all voices are heard. How can I participate in the SLT? All SLT meetings are open and non-SLT members are welcome to observe. Any specific items a non-SLT member would like to discuss should be submitted in writing to a Co-Chairperson or any SLT member one week prior to the meeting. What topics are within the scope of the SLT? The mandate of the SLT is to focus on school-based educational policies and the related resource alignment for the benefit of all of the school’s students. The SLT may not discuss individual teacher and/or student issues. See the chart below for directing non-SLT concerns to the appropriate parties. |