Families, Teacher appreciation day is May 5th...and the Gala is fast approaching. Aside from this, the PTA is advocating for making Beekman Street and the parking lot area safer. EB members have been attending 1st precinct meetings and CB1 meetings. Contact [email protected] for more info on how to get involved. May Meetings
EventsApril Big kudos to Saida Barker & Hilda Bergman & Stacey Kurylo for organizing and making the Tribeca Family Festival booth such a hit. Also, to Saida Barker for connecting Spruce & Peck Slip School families for the Bridge night out on what was a warm April Saturday night. May 1980s Spring Gala - Saturday May 9th 7-10:30PM in the Gym Well, it is almost here! Thank you for all the volunteer efforts that go into producing this. We are looking forward to celebrating a fun night of 1980s costumes and revelry with a delicious sampling of appetizers from neighborhood restaurants, plus generous alcohol donations. See you and the rest of our Spruce family on Saturday, May 9th 7-10:30PM. Remember: register to bid on both Silent and Live Auction beforehand to avoid long lines at the Gala here: https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/auctionhome.action?vhost=397 and post your pictures to www.dropbox.com, username: [email protected], password:spruce397 Science & Math Night at the school - Wednesday May 13th 5-8PM Basketball on May 19th from 6:15-7:40PM ($5). RSVP, by paying here. Please only use this link and not previous ones, since this one is linked to the PTA paypal account. Drinks to follow in Beekman Pub. Harvest Day - Wed. May 20th in Cafeteria Student Spring Concert performances by grade - Wed. May 27th - see calendar for details 5th Grade NDI - Final share - Friday May 29th - see calendar for details Magical Dave - Friday May 29th 6:15-7PM in the Auditorium We are excited to have Magical Dave, the infamous magician, come back to Spruce on Fri., May 29th, 6:15pm. The show will be 45 minutes and is expected to sell out. Tickets are $10 in advance (link will be sent so you can pay via paypal) and $15 at the door. Dave is a NYC school teacher and a dad and not only brings his rabbit but also a very friendly snake! He is very funny and silly and we hope you can bring the kids to join us. We will also need volunteers to help us with check-in and to sell snacks so please look out for updates on Julie's weekly and from class parents. "Night Market" Under the Stars - Saturday May 30th 6PM-10PM at 207A Front Street, Seaport Celebrate the start of Summer, get to know your neighbors, and support the Old Seaport Alliance ~ and our neighborhood improvement mission. Please join us for a festive "Night Market" featuring local artisans, wine, beer, sangria and light refreshments from our local restaurants. We will have music and a Raffle with great prizes. A $10 suggested donation goes directly to support the programs of the Old Seaport Alliance. For more information, visit the OSA on Facebook, or at www.oldseaportny.com PTA Executive BoardTreasury Thank you to those who joined the Audit Committee. These folks are parents that will review the tax return before being signed by the Treasurer amongst other things. If you want to join please reach out to [email protected] The Budget Committee is getting ready to work on the budget for next school year (2015/2016). Please email [email protected] if you'd like to participate. Merchandise With May 5th being National Teacher Appreciation Day, this is a great opportunity to buy Spruce Merchandise for a teacher at the 'Teacher Price'.
Fundraising Thank you for your direct appeal contributions. Thank you 5th grade families for funding the 5th Grade graduation, class trip & yearbook. Thank you sponsors for the Gala! Website/Tech Class parents, reach out to Shelley, [email protected], to learn how to update your Classroom page. They are a great, password protected page for posting pictures, assignments or any other classroom specific info. If you haven't registered, go to your child's classroom page and register. Approval usually happens shortly after but can take up to a week. Public Relations
Nominations to EB Next Year Calling all dedicated Spruce parents! Please consider nominating yourself or others for one of the vacant positions on the PTA Executive Board for our next school year 2015-2016!!! Our search for nominations begins now for the elections that will take place later this year. The PTA pools our collective talent to create, coordinate, and collaborate on some of the most fantastic fundraisers and community building events in lower Manhattan. We put the fun in fundraising but all that fun can’t happen without you!! For more information contact Hilda Bergman at [email protected]. CommitteesNew Programs Committee (NPC) - SLT/PTA All new program ideas for enrichment are being routed to the SLT first and from there to the NPC for assistance/vetting. If you have any enrichment ideas or questions, please email: [email protected] Inclusion & Special Education Committee - SLT For the next meeting please see the calendar for more details. Communications Committee - SLT For more info please check the calendar. Middle School Committee - SLT Contact Laetitia if you'd like to contribute to this committee. For more info please check the calendar. Art Committee - PTA For more info please check the calendar. Wellness and Green Team - PTA
Taste Of The Seaport Committee - PTA The TOTS Committee is already starting to get ready for the TASTE OF THE SEAPORT on October 17, 2015. Please email Tami Kurtz, [email protected], for more info. Spirit Project Committee - PTA The Spirit Project will be happening again in June! Contact Learan Kahanov [email protected] for more details or to volunteer. CommunityManhattan Community Board 1 (CB1) Get involved in the community, attend CB1 Meetings & Events. 1ST Precinct Attend a 1st precinct community council meeting to learn more about what is going on in our precinct. Meetings are held at 6:30PM on the last Thursday of each month at the First Precinct (16 Ericsson Pl) in Tribeca. SchoolCell Phone Policy
The school updated the cell phone policy, please read with your child here Front Desk Sign-In Reminder: everyone must sign-in at the front desk with a photo ID. Fill out all information completely. And please, if you are going to an area of the school different than your stated location, please notify security at the front desk. School Survey Thank you for completing the school survey. It will help school leaders understand what key members of the school community say about the learning environment at each school. 3rd, 4th & 5th grade Congrats on finishing state testing! During the month of May, all students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will be participating in the Advance Student Survey Pilot. This survey allows students to share their feelings about their learning experience in the classroom. Students in grades 3 and up throughout New York City will be participating in this survey, not just Spruce Street School . Please see the link below. It has a letter from the Department of Education regarding the survey, as well as an Opt Out letter, and an FAQ sheet. http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/449FE744-41CD-4348-9481-ED1BFF9E5645/0/TripodParentLetter_English.pdf Please feel free to reach out to Sarah Maiolo, Guidance Counselor, if you have any question or concerns. [email protected] 212-266-4800 x1 Thanks for reading!
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Spruce Street PTA NewsletterA monthly post from the PTA to keep you up to date on what is happening in the school, the PTA , the SLT and the community. |
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Spruce Street School - PS 397
12 Spruce Street New York, NY 10038 212-266-4800 (Fax) 212-266-4805 |
Nancy Harris, Principal
Katya Haratonik, Assistant Principal(IA) School Hours 8:15 am - 2:35 pm |